SHERCO rūpnīca izlaidusi 2012.gada triāla Cabestany repliku

SHERCO rūpnīca pagājušajā nedēļā izlaidusi savu triāla motocikla Cabestany repliku.(Cabestany ir rūpnīcas labākais triāla braucējs) Pagaidām mājaslapā vēl nav publicēta pilnīgi nekāda informācija par šo motociklu, taču ir pieejama informācija, ko Agarska Triāla Klubam kā SHERCO officiālajam dīlerim atsūtijusi rūpnīca.

Informācija par motociklu angļu valodā:

The Sherco factory in Caldes de Montbuí (Barcelona) has again raised the bar. Albert Cabestany won second place in the latest round of the World Indoor Trials Championship. In acknowledgement of this feat, Sherco is releasing the 2012 Albert Cabestany Replica. It is a tribute to the perfection required in a discipline as exquisite as Trials Competition, it is also a result of constant evolution and component improvement in the field of competition, where small details are of paramount importance.  

The new replica is based on features that Albert has tested and proven in competition and it is an exclusive motorcycle, which makes this annual series one of the most anticipated of the year. It will surely satisfy its users, whether they are competing in the most demanding competition or using the bike for leisure enjoyment.

The appearance of the bike is differentiated from the rest of the ST family with its elegant red, black and white colors along with gold rims. Beneath the beautiful body lies a powerful engine, the replica is powered by a 300 cc engine that is exclusive to this model and it is identical to the one used by Albert. The cylinder head and CDI are unique as is the new titanium exhaust header. It also incorporates a new engine stop switch that shuts off the engine in the case of a fall by the rider, along with low profile handlebars. The clutch and transmission assembly have also received  updates. The new rear sprocket is lighter and has an anti abrasion coating.

The new Sherco Cabestany Replica is another step in the commitment by the mark in the evolution of their dirt bikes.
It is part of the on going effort to offer the best product to our customers who rely on and trust Sherco.

Unique components of the Sherco Cabestany Replica

300 cc Engine
New titanium exhaust header
New Cylinder Head
New CDI Mapping
New Low Profile Handlebars
X-Light Tires
New Rear Sprocket - anti abrasion coating
Updated Clutch
Kevlar Number plate
New Engine Shut off system
Exclusive Graphics

Komentāri (0)  |  2012-05-31 00:57  |  Skatīts: 3610x   
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